Bed Bugs

What are Bed Bugs & Their Treatment?


Bed bugs are hemiptera insects that, among other characteristics, have powerful and penetrating mouthparts. They have nocturnal habits and hide during the day in seams, mattress creases, under carpeting, behind pictures and wallpaper, etc. going out at night to attack his victims.
An adult bed bug, in the course of 10 minutes, can suck more than 7 times its weight in blood and lay its eggs until it is hungry again. They lay a total of 200 eggs at the rate of four or five per day, but the actual number depends mostly on the temperature and other external factors. They do not put at all at temperatures below 10º.

Treatment for Bed Bugs:

Eliminating bed bugs is not an easy task since it is one of the pests that has created the most resistance and this makes its control and eradication more difficult.
Bed bug infestations require the total eradication of all insects, control is not enough. These are hematophagous parasitic insects for which the tolerance threshold must be zero.

The control of bed bug infestations cannot be addressed by using anti parasitic pharmacological products, although it is an ectoparasitic insect of the human being, it is not like a louse or a tick. The insect feeds on the blood of human beings but quickly abandons them to live and take refuge in nearby areas such as furniture mainly in bedrooms. This determines that the insecticide treatment must be carried out not on people, but on structures and furniture.
Before carrying out a chemical treatment, the room to be treated must be properly prepared. All removable elements must be disassembled; headboards, wardrobe drawers and bedside tables, nightlights, pictures, including plugs.
For whole room fumigation treatments, in addition to making all the specific preparations required, all belongings and furniture must remain in place.
There are numerous techniques for applying chemicals, from traditional spraying or misting to dry heat or moist heat treatments or cryo-disinsection with Bed bug trap liquid nitrogen.
In addition, catch traps and interception traps are used.
Adhesive trap designed to intercept / prevent bed bug access from the floor to the bed through a system that, installed under the furniture leg, creates a double trap for insects.
Cooperation between affected people and Pest Control professionals is essential to successfully control bed bugs.

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